The Divine Feminine Connection of Roses and Selenite
Roses and Selenite are both forms of the Divine Feminine. They express the creative, nurturing, and life-giving aspects of the feminine, like the forms of love, peace, inspiration, healing, and wisdom that are attributed to our mothers, sisters, and daughters. So why do the Rose and Selenite make such a powerful pair when it comes to creating a loving, healing experience that opens the heart?
The Moon and Selenite: A Symbol of Feminine Energy
Mythology tells us that Selenite is related to Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon—our crystal’s namesake. The moon was (and is) regarded as a symbol of feminine energy, while the sun is a symbol of masculine energy. Selenite, then, is a crystal that embodies the Divine Feminine. Not only is Selenite a moon crystal—a light-bringer—it’s also a bringer of peace and calm. These are some of the reasons Selenite crystals are ridiculously essential for the home.
Using Selenite to Fortify Your Energetic Environment
The personal energetic environment, as well as that of one’s home, can be repaired and fortified using selenite crystals. These are put to use when one is ostensibly creating a grid in one’s home for the purpose of promoting good energy and health in said home. Indeed, creating a grid of any kind with a mineral as potent as selenite calls for its healing properties, in conjunction with the good energies one is summoning. That’s because not only does selenite help one get into a good energetic state, it also protects the user from any number of ill effects that different energies can bring.
The Rose: A Symbol of Love, Healing, and Devotion
The Rose holds the highest place in civilization’s respect for flowers. Its oil is the world’s most precious perfume. Like none other, it embodies both the quintessence of human anguish—of the kinds of pains that drive us to seek solace in perfume—and the perfumes of the divine that bind us to the unfathomable mysteries of existence. Its mythical status has endowed it with both the aspects and perfumed wisdom that are accompanied by a need for unfathomable divine understanding or a simple healing touch.
The Rose as a Representation of the Divine Feminine
The concept of the Divine Feminine is connected to the rose. If one looks at the rose, with its many petals that curve around and enclose its stillness at the center, one sees a form that suggests a figure in a posture of devotion, with arms outstretched in a pose that might be called “blessing.” Indeed, in the rose, one sees a symbolic likeness of the Blessed Mother. Stories from all major religions represent roses as symbols of miraculous, unconditional, deep, and eternal love. Indeed, even ancient mythology associated them as symbols of love involving gods and mortals: “If roses were good enough to show love to Zeus, they’re good enough for us.”
The Rose’s Role in Rituals of Peace and Spiritual Enlightenment
The thousands of years of rose symbolism in Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism mean that roses and the oils derived from them should be part of any ritual blessing for peace, emotional support, or spiritual enlightenment. Indeed, they are used for just that purpose in many ancient cultures—and not only those that are prominent in the Western world. Even the now-defunct Soviet Union recognized the power of the rose and used it in the formation of the “Rose of the World,” a secret sign to bring about peace on Earth.
The Selenite Rose Carving: A Divine Piece for Spiritual Guidance
The Selenite Rose Carving is the new piece from the studio of Tracy and Amanda. While the Selenite Rose could easily be placed next to the delicate carvings of roses you might find in a place like the Vatican, the angelic yet demure energy of this piece makes it the perfect addition to any space where you seek divine guidance. Tracing the right side of the rose with your finger could easily send you into a trance, while doing the same on the left could just as easily instill you with the courage to go forth into this world and transform it into the space where you do what you love.
Amplifying Self-Care and Healing with Rose and Selenite
Healing and protection from negative energy are boosted by both rose and Selenite. They amplify self-care and self-love, making them excellent gifts for oneself. They keep rooms—and the people in them—constantly bathed in healing light and vibrating at a state of high health.