The Importance of Consistency in Spiritual Practices
Our spiritual practices benefit greatly from being done with consistency. This is not just something people say because it sounds good. It is a truth that has been passed down for ages because it is effective! When I was training to be a yoga teacher, I found it hard to practice consistently. I found that Shiva Lingam and Spirit Quartz made a wonderful pair of crystals to work with when trying to establish or strengthen a daily practice. Together, they helped instill a sense of being grounded and rooted in my practice—Tipu (Shiva Lingam) kept me on the path of least resistance, while the Spirit Quartz infused my practice with compassion for myself on those days when I found it hard to get on my mat.
Crystals, Practice, and Consistency Equal Results
Keep this formula in mind: crystals, practice, and consistency equal results! But before we dive into how these particular rocks work their miracles, let’s have a little crystal 101. What, after all, makes a crystal a crystal? That question is easily answered in the case of the next stone we’ll look at, the Shiva lingam. If you don’t happen to have one in your collection, you can get a pretty decent look at its face, back, and sides in the photo above. The Shiva lingam you’re looking at is obviously not keeping a vertical orientation. Being a spirit rock, it offers all kinds of mysterious ways to connect with the divine when held or simply gazed upon, but doing the same with the real McCoy (hewn from the rocks of the Narmada River in India) inspires some seriously powerful paths of energy.
Discovering the Power of Shiva Lingam
Learn about the Shiva Lingam: This is a stone of many virtues, and the first virtue to understand about this stone is that it is close in essence to who we are. We are close to Shiva Lingams. They know the mysteries of life and death. They are knowers of secrets. They are shaped like the universe. And they are from an ecosystem rich with secrets, where energy forms the minerals and gems, and where trees channel energy into the earth and sky—life giving, nourishing, and sustaining. In the grand scheme of things, Shiva Lingams embody the cosmic egg—the AUM—the universe itself. In and beyond cultures, Shiva Lingams are stones of great power, linking us with the ultimate mysteries of life, particularly with fertility and sexuality, which are necessary components of life.
Shiva Lingams: A Rock of Healing and Transformation
Shiva Lingams are often found in nature and are known as “self-manifestors.” Shiva Lingam is a strong healing crystal that serves as a good catalyst for transformative energy, especially for those exploring divine energy. Shiva Lingams are found only in India, with the primary source being the Narmada River in central India. Shiva Lingam is a rock, composed of opaque cryptocrystalline quartz. He is a member of the quartz family and is similar to chalcedony, agates, and true jaspers.
Shiva Lingam in Hindu Homes and Temples
Shiva Lingams are found in Hindu homes and temples. They are altars for the Supreme Being, Shiva, who is said to be the god of the mind. The lingam may be set up to offer to him a focus for meditation and reflection, and in doing so, could ahem serve as an altar to the mind itself. The Shiva Lingam is on the path to the mind, the god within, and the sense of deep calm and joy that can be experienced. With fresh air, sunshine, water, and a little bit of “hey, look at this, I’m ordin’ary but divine” pathos, a Lingam could serve us well in the domestication of our minds.
The Gentle Energy of Spirit Quartz
“Lean into the gentle energy of Spirit Quartz. Its message for you is: you can be your own worst oppressor! Don’t beat yourself up. Have a bit of mercy for yourself and your efforts. It’s not so easy to keep to some spiritual or personal path when most of the world seems determined to distract you. And it’s not so easy to keep to some not-so-simple path when you’re distracted yourself and inwardly wandering. With tiny Quartz crystals on its surface and a not-so-tiny single Quartz crystal as its base, a Spirit Quartz Cluster radiates in every direction, sending VIBES UP! Am I right? We can pretend otherwise, but this is just how a Spirit Quartz works. Look inward; find the Tuned To You vibe that is just for you.”
Transformation Through Patience and Consistency
Reset with affection and an understanding that transformation demands patience. Tomorrow is a new chance. Is your steadfast method for maintaining mental equilibrium meditation? Perhaps it’s a simple morning ritual, or the easy yoga poses of “sun salutation,” or journaling. Whatever keeps you practicing and progressing in these times of respiratory wildness, just keep going. It’s work. And the key to making it effortless is doing it every day. Whether for 6 seconds or 60 minutes, make a dazzling display of your morning.