The Struggle of Sleepless Nights
It’s a common occurrence: the hours spent tossing and turning and then, finally, giving in to the impulse to check the clock only to see that it is still the middle of the night and you are wide awake. And the mind is not just awake but racing, filled with all the energy of the obsession that is a sleep disorder. Replay any given moment from your past with as much intensity as you will and it will not reenact itself with the same vigor. But we keep in mind that the lost hours surely add up to some sort of cumulative effect; there is a sense, a feeling, that missing out on some of those “restorative functions” (what on earth could those possibly be?), periods of “heightened relaxation,” and so on, certainly amounts to some kind of unproductive time.
Can Ancient Rituals and Crystals Help with Sleep?
How, then, do we guarantee the elusive, treasured good night’s sleep? We can follow the ancient rituals in which people have long placed trust. We can also make use of specific Earth-made tools—crystals, in particular—that supposedly have sleep-inducing properties. But why? Aren’t we simply wasting our time, indulging in silly superstitions and faith acts that we millennials and Gen Zers are mostly too cool to engage in? Well, as it turns out, the rituals that have been followed for millennia are not as misguided as we might think. And the crystals? They’re not just pretty rocks.
Choosing the Right Crystals for Sleep
The choice of crystals that promote sleep can bring you a step closer to the peace of mind you’ve been seeking. Allow our in-house crystal connoisseur, Heather Askinosie, to illuminate the path for you. The following Q&A is designed to help you choose from the myriad number of rocks that supposedly work as somnolent solutions.
Top 10 Crystals for Enhancing Sleep
Which stones are best for enhancing sleep? The following 10 crystals are optimal for promoting slumber: Amethyst, Lepidolite, Celestite, Selenite, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Angelite, Black Obsidian, Hematite, and Black Tourmaline.
Crystals for Improved or Deeper Sleep
What kinds of crystals can promote improved or deeper sleep? One of my favorite minerals for insomnia is selenite. This is a crystal that anyone can use to achieve not just sleeping, but also the ideal outlook just prior to showering in sleep. When you look at selenite, it is hard not to see something that is calm and clear in form. And when you connect with it—whether by merely holding it or having it somewhere in your space—you are connecting with all the vibes of calm clarity that it has in abundance and that it shares with you. These are the vibes that I associate with selenite and that I recommend for anyone who has trouble sleeping.
The Calming Powers of Celestite for Sleep
Celestite is one of the most beautiful crystals in our world. Its color, sky blue, radiates with the energy of the ethereal and the heavenly. The calming properties of celestite are so powerful that just looking at this stone can almost send you into a meditative state. And that’s exactly what this stone can help you attain: a state of true meditation, where your mind is at peace and your body is relaxed in a way that opens it up to true healing. Celestite is such a powerful ally in the game of life when you are looking for less stress and more anxiety relief. And if you are seeking restful sleep, celestite is one of the best stones to keep nearby as you drift off into the dream world.
Crystals for Vibrant or Joyful Dreams
The kinds of crystals that can lead to more vibrant or joyful dreams are quite varied, but my absolute favorites for facilitating serene yet stimulating dreaming would have to be Amethyst and Rose Quartz. These two beautiful stones hold very special energies that relate very closely to the work of the dreamer. One of the beautiful aspects of these two stones is that they are both very heavily associated with your intuition and the inner workings of your mind. While you’re dreaming, you’re quite literally either unlocking or tapping into the very secretive and esoteric parts of your mind that are usually hidden from you in waking life.
Labradorite for Rich and Clear Dreams
If you want dreams that are bright and more clear in their symbols, and if you want to have a richer, more expansive dream life, then work with Labradorite. The properties of this crystal are connected with the energies of the crown chakra, which is the center of our spiritual expansion and access to the highest dimensions of the mind and spirit. If you’re striving to push the limits of your consciousness and reach a new door of understanding that even the nocturnal mind can accomplish, then working with Labradorite can help propel you to that new level. And in terms of what it does for your life and the next part of your journey? Working with this crystal can set you up for a day with new surprises and that magical feeling we chase.
How to Use Crystals for Sweet Dreams
No matter what your ultimate aspirations may be, placing crystals beneath your pillow while you sleep is a ridiculously simple yet powerful means of swaying the enchanting narratives that unfold in your mind while you slumber.
How to Create a Sleep-Friendly Bedroom Environment
Which crystals are effective for peaceful sleep and good dreams? In my judgment, when it comes to avoiding nightmares and having a peaceful sleep, it’s a good idea to investigate the energy in the space where you’re trying to sleep before putting beneficial crystals to work for you. This is my general checklist: Do you have a mirror, computer, or TV in your bedroom? My recommendation is to keep as many electronic devices out of your bedroom as you can. Half the mirrors in the first world would not reflect the first world back to itself. Mirrors are the most occult of all the crystals and are on par with putting a keyboard in a bedroom. If you have to port your bedroom into some kind of electronic tundra, at the very least, cover your mirrors.
Decluttering for Better Sleep
Is the room that you’re in right now a mess? Your mess cannot be too immense, for you are not in an infinite space. Even your immense mess exists within a finite space, the space of your room. And here’s a thought: A space filled with finite mess can only be a space that gives off, at best, an impression of a cluttered room and, at worst, a space that is inhospitable to your peace of mind. Thus, an uncleaned infinite mess in a cluttered room might be in league with your sleep disturbances and may very well conflict with your peace treaty that you’re negotiating with dreams of sand.
Crystals for Light Sleepers vs. Deep Sleepers
Is there a need for different sleep aides for light sleepers as opposed to those who sleep deeply? At the end of the day, it depends on the person. Crystals can keep some people up at night. Experiment with where to place your crystal. If you sleep lightly, it might be better to have your crystal on a bedside table instead of directly on your nightstand. Or if you’re using a larger specimen, maybe a smaller variety of the crystal will be less likely to keep you up at night. They’re not in the bedroom to hypothetically help you sleep if you’re already awake. Pick one crystal to work with. Amethyst, Selenite, Rose Quartz—all are good options. Add it to your bedtime routine for a week.
Refreshing Your Sleep Crystals
Furthermore, as your existence shifts, you might find it necessary to refresh the crystals in your space. Numerous effective crystals can enhance the quality of your slumber! During certain intervals, I’ve required the presence of heavily grounding crystals—like Hematite, Shungite, and Black Tourmaline—rather than the more ethereal ones with which I normally reside.
Where to Place Crystals in Your Bedroom
In the following passage, the original text has been rephrased. The passage addresses the question of where in the bedroom to keep crystals if one wants to facilitate a good night’s sleep. Your best options for placement are either under the pillow (if you would like to seriously work with your dreams) or under the bed, particularly at the foot of the bed where Selenite would lie. If you’ve got a nightstand, that works too, but if you keep a crystal there and it feels like it’s keeping you up, maybe try it out a little ways back from your side of the bed. Amethyst is a great one to have under your pillow, as it pacifies an overactive mind. However, avoid clusters. They are too big for such serious work and would not be so calming if they were in close proximity to your mind.
Should Energizing Crystals Be Avoided in the Bedroom?
Is it advisable to avoid storing energizing crystals in the bedroom? If you are a light sleeper, then the answer is yes! That’s one more thing to make the room active and you awake at night! For those who are a little more sensitive to crystal energy, some good “sleeping” crystals are Lepidolite and Amethyst. Their crystal energies will help the bedroom energy and your energy body reach a tranquil equilibrium, and keep it that way, which is necessary if you are to remain undisturbed in the land of snore! As much as possible, avoid having these energizing crystals in your bedroom: Carnelian, Red Jasper, Tiger’s Eye, Pyrite, Malachite, Apatite, Sunstone, and Garnet.
Crystal Formations for Sleep and Relaxation
Daily Crystals for Sleep and Relaxation: What follows are two formations that use the best crystals to achieve their nighttime effects. They are to be used based on your needs of the day. If you are a chronic overthinker or have an unhealthy amount of stress in your life, the next formation is for you. It is designed to be used while on the verge of or already in a meditative state. The second formation is for the person unable to enter the land of nod.
A Relaxing Crystal Practice for Sleep
Engage in this practice when you wish to relax and indulge in some self-care. It can serve as a nightly pre-sleep ritual that helps maintain your slumber. The ingredients you need to perform this mini-meditation amount to five transformative crystals that work in unison to give you a serene experience. If you are unable to acquire these exact crystals, don’t worry—the elemental energies they embody can be tapped into with other stones or even by your simple intention.
Practice for Using Crystals to Calm Insomnia
Practice for Using Crystals to Calm Insomnia: When you find yourself not sleeping and pacing through the night, this practice can set you back on the path toward restful slumber. Its core elements involve the use of one crystal—Celestite—for stimulating kinds of energies more conducive to sleep. This practice and crystal can benefit people of any age, but if you work with children or have a baby in your care, you’ll find it especially useful because of the uncomplicated way it directs them toward sleep.
How to Use Crystals to Encourage Restful Sleep
Your Practice: First, check the items on the bedroom checklist mentioned above! Hold your Celestite and Selenite in both hands and speak the words “I fall asleep easily” as if you really believe it. Place your Celestite on your nightstand and a few pieces of Selenite around your living space to cleanse and calm the energy of your space. Right before you go to bed, lay a piece of Selenite over your chest for 5 to 11 minutes. This will help calm your speeding mind and get you ready to sleep. When your mind is clear, close your eyes, and allow yourself to sink into that in-between space where sleep lives.
Cleansing Crystals for Better Sleep
Every week, cleanse your crystals of the energies they have taken in. Then, as you did before, repeat the steps until you can sleep again.
Common Questions About Sleep Crystals
Crystals for Insomnia or “Sleeping Beauty Syndrome”
I have insomnia, or I may have what some call “sleeping beauty syndrome.” After a whole two weeks of trying to get to bed at a decent hour, I realized that there was no chance I was going to start sleeping normally in the near future. So I was back to these crystal depths, trying to figure out which ones and how many of them I needed for my specific condition. High on my list of potential bedfellows was lepidolite, which is often recommended for insomnia or anxiety. After a nice long “OMG, just how many amethyst geodes and pieces do I need to have around my head multiple times a day?!” moment, that was when I realized that amethyst was my next go-to for sleepless nights, which I should probably dedicate to vocab drills instead of amethyst geode fires.
Best Crystals to Sleep With Under Your Pillow
Which crystals are the best to sleep with under your pillow? While it may seem a bit peculiar, it is actually quite normal to sleep with crystals nestled under one’s pillow! And, we suggest, you keep your crystals small—and, raccoon-like, we suggest only the smooth and polished kinds! For those of you just getting your feet wet in the world of crystal pillow pals, we think tumbled stones of Angelite, Amethyst, or other small, calming, and soporific rocks are good first choices. And to avoid any unseemly situations during the middle of the night where your precious stones are suddenly gravitating toward the edge of a bed that has seen far too many plots to couch-surf, we suggest placing your 2 to 3 rocks inside your pillow case, and angling your entire pillow so that the rocks find a cozy corner seam within your pillow.
Crystals for Shared Beds and Harmonious Sleep
What crystals make sense to have in a bed shared with a partner? One age-old saying offers this advice: Don’t go to bed angry. Energy must be kept harmonious and, if possible, loving when two partners lie down for the night. Even if peace reigns at bedtime, a sensible first step in achieving kind, compassionate, and argument-free energy is to have rose quartz handy. It is the “go-to” crystal for those sharing intimate spaces, particularly beds. Keeping “bed energy” loving and kind with this particular crystal might seem unremarkable advice—and it could be! But if anyone tells you that sharing a bed with all the energies involved is harmonious and hasn’t mentioned rose quartz, then, quite frankly, they aren’t doing it right.
Crystals for Children’s Nightmares
My kid has frequent nightmares. What crystals can I add to their room to help with that? Celestite is an attractive option. The first thing that strikes you about the pretty crystal is the color. It exhibits the most soothing shades of blue, reminding me of a summer day when the sky is free from clouds. The next thing that strikes you is the size. Celestite does not come small. From the back of the child’s bed to the corner of the room, I believe having this crystal in your child’s room would act as a crystal for more positive dreams.