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Calling All Angels: Crystals to Connect with Angels and Harness Ethereal Energy

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The Connection Between Healing Crystals and Angels

Healing crystals are natural Earth creations; angels are gifts from the Heavens. They are all around us, available at all times, in all spaces, and all dimensions. Angels inhabit another stratosphere and another dimension, so they know no single measure of time or space that we might call our own. They are around us, above us, and within us, true to their essence — angelic. You might not know your angels by name, but in the mightiest moment or the darkest hour, trust that angelic nature and power are all about you, walking the same Earth that you walk, with every space and time dimension that you know all to yourself.

Guardian Angels and Life’s Defining Moments

We all have moments that tilt the scales of fate: a close call, an awkward encounter, a surprising event, the infinitesimal instant of time when our paths were shifted. These are the moments we might think of as the prime time for our guardian angels to work their magic—assuming, of course, that we believe in angels. Many of us do, at least in a metaphorical sense. We talk about “angel moments,” when something just-in-the-nick-of-time happened—such as a loved one, phone in hand, showing up just seconds after we’ve started to attempt an emergency dialing of 911. We might be more ambivalent about the actual religious beliefs that go along with the angel talk, but we know stories in which angels, in whatever form, offer a kind of protection, steering us clear of danger, aiding in our survival.

How to Connect with Angels Through Crystal Work

Facilitating a Relationship with Angels Through Crystal Work Many crystals help connect us with the angelic realm. Initiating contact with angels and engaging them to assist us with our needs is what most people think of when they consider working with angels. Indeed, they’re a wonderful resource for assistance, guidance, and even healing when needed. However, connecting with angels is not just about setting up a hotline to heaven.

The Importance of Clarity When Working with Angels

Clear quartz encourages clarity. It’s important to be as clear and exact as possible when calling on the angels. You should think about what you’re asking for beforehand and make a decision about your request. Are the people in your life a positive or negative influence? What about your decisions? Are they good ones? Or are they more like the things that make you feel you’re not worthy of what you seek? If you have clarity of purpose with angelic assistance, there’s a far better chance you’ll get what you’re seeking. Pure quartz is symbolic of all that is good—purity, perseverance, and patience. It can virtually pierce through the cloudiness and provide you with a blank slate from which to start anew.

Using Crystals for Protection with Archangel Michael

Let me give you a few more examples of how to use particular crystals when you call upon the angels for support. For those moments when you might require additional protection, call upon Archangel Michael, the leader of all angels, a defendant against evil, and a champion of good. You might wish to seek his help while traveling, during a competition, or just before you undertake some difficult or new endeavor in your life. You might desire his protection while you face down some fear of yours or during times when peace, calm, and certainty are paramount for your psyche’s well-being.

Angelite Crystal for Connecting with Archangel Michael

Angelite is a peaceful crystal, a doorway to the gentle vibrations that our guardian angels inhabit. Its color is like the open sky, its value unfathomable. Use it as a tool to help you connect more easily and freely with the celestial world. Hold your Angelite crystal in hand, call upon Archangel Michael, and gain a sense of strength and security that should give you the confidence to tackle whatever might be in your way.

Seeking Healing from Archangel Raphael with Crystals

For Your Health, Call Upon Archangel Raphael: A Quartz and a Rutilated One If you need healing and are looking for someone to confer with, ask Archangel Raphael to help you. He is a potent healer for a range of ailments, from the physical to the nutritional and psychiatric, like depression. Ritala’s Quartz (also known as “Rutilated Quartz”) has minerals that can help. And this is an unusual gem—it is not like others you might have. You can strengthen your resolve and find inspiration in its ethereal healing vibrations. Call upon Archangel Raphael and work with your Rutilated Quartz to recover your health and make peace with your state of being.

Working with Rose Quartz to Enhance Love and Relationships

For matters of the heart, invoke chamuel. Archangel Chamuel is said to pour forth the most potent love energy. Call upon him when you need to increase the love vibrations in your life, and you may want to take Rose Quartz in your hand or place it where truth and love reign (near your heart, for example) as you pray. Rose Quartz is no ordinary love charm, though. Love usually comes with conditions, and even when it doesn’t, our grasp of love is often fuzzy, because we haven’t really gotten a handle on loving the very person we see in the mirror. Rose Quartz, Chamuel, and truly making love your business might just help with that handle.

The Power of Angelic Crystals for Spiritual Transformation

To rise to the next level, you must first delve deeper. When it comes to forming a stronger tie with angels through crystals, you have several possible routes. One of the ways we find most effective is the use of angelic crystals. These crystals are imbued with a vibration that helps form an almost instantaneous bridge to the divine. The resources they provide allow for a profoundly deep spiritual connection—one deep enough to not just connect, but to truly ascend. The energy supplied by angelic crystals allows for transformation on a fundamental level, going beyond the need for clarity or the attainment of just “serenity and peace.” In those moments when we’re in a state that truly feels like “between a rock and a hard place,” an angelic crystal can provide essential energy and serve as a symbol of the manifesting we’re trying to accomplish—holding a wing and a prayer in the palm of your hand.

Crystal Angels as Physical Manifestations of Spiritual Presence

Reach out and touch the crystal angel’s wings. Feel them. Know their shape. Imagine being embraced in the safety and comfort of their mysterious power, and understand that you are loved and not alone. A crystal angel is the physical manifestation of a spiritual presence—something we can see and even hold—that helps us focus on our intentions and desires. Try to visualize your own shoulders and arms, your own wingspan, and understand that what the crystal angel does for us, we can do for ourselves with a little practice. What matters more than anything, of course, is the context in which you hold the crystal angel. Whether you are doing it with clear intent to access a spiritual realm or are simply catching the act in an unguarded moment, your angelic powers can be opened, warmed, and then visualized as something you can access any time.

The Portability and Versatility of Crystal Angels

The most excellent aspect of these angelic crystals is that they are portable. You can take the angel with you anywhere, and the angelic energy remains intact. Place your crystal angel in a travel altar, in a pouch or your luggage, or in a purse that’s about to meet a crucial interview. Crystal angels are even safe to keep in your automobile. There isn’t a direction you can head in without the power of these clear, nutating companions keeping you en route. Gift someone else an angelic crystal that belongs to no one else, and you are achieving another aim of these energy work sessions: crystal angels are special givers.

Specific Crystal Angels for Different Purposes and Intentions

Like all crystals, there are specific crystal angels for individual purposes and intentions. Some have a more intense vibration for clarity, some work on love, some help cut through negativity or bring luck.

Using Clear Quartz to Achieve Mental Clarity

Many times, the hardest part of reaching our objectives is being able to define them clearly. Even though we might put forth our best efforts, we often wind up muddled, diverted, and unsure in our pursuit of them. The Clear Quartz angel can help with this. Working with it can clarify matters mentally and help you see the foggy parts of your attainment that should be clear. It can also help with showing you the part where you should be clear in your purpose not just with this angel but with all angels; ask for their assistance in clearing your mind of mental diversions.

Rose Quartz Angel for Healing the Heart and Embracing Love

Their love is the most potent force in the universe. They call on the soft, nurturing energy of the Rose Quartz angel when needing to mend a broken heart, to learn the art of forgiveness, or to find the elusive words of self-love before opening their hearts to the kind of love that will come into their lives when it’s meant to. Love is a beautiful thing, unique in all its manifestations. It’s the source of every joy I’ve ever known, and it’s the root of every pain I’ve ever felt. And as far as I can tell, it’s what every single human being is after, in one way or another, at every moment of their lives.

Trolleite: A Crystal for Clearing Negativity

Trolleite is a potent crystal for obliterating negativity and clearing away what no longer serves us. It has an energy similar to that of Rose Quartz, which is all about forgiveness—both of ourselves and of others. When we hold onto past grievances and allow resentment to fester, we are really just shackled by a kind of shadow work that is not fun and is definitely not positive. The energy of Trolleite helps us move past that as we become open to the kind of work that is fun (and is positively charged). You use Trolleite like a vacuum cleaner that sucks up all the negative energy in your life.

Aventurine Angel: Aligning with Opportunities and Abundance

Go means green! Ensure that your destiny aligns with the fortunate path that this marvelously green Aventurine angel lights for you. Move into the zone where opportunities abound and feel with every cell in your body that you are, in fact, the very essence of worthy and deserving. More than insist on this alignment, be it with such a clear and confident energy that there’s no way you could manifest being in the right place at the right time without also being aligned with these lucky stars and angels. Green also signifies abundance, and what could be more abundant than an opportunity to grow and start anew? Whether in personal growth, professional life, or starting a family, green means go!

Starting a Relationship with Your Crystal Angel

Grasp your crystal angel in your hands; hold it as if it were a holy symbol. Speak to it clearly and engage with it so that your intentions and desires are obvious to both you and your new spiritual companion. Working with crystal angels can brighten even the gloomiest energies to help uncover a path forward, as if they were lighting a part of your spiritual journey that was previously shrouded in darkness. Here are some ways to get started on the new relationship with your crystal angel that I alluded to in the last chapter:

Guide me to the recognition that the opportunities in front of me are mine to seize.

Assist me in achieving clarity about what I require in my life at this moment.

Light the way to a better place and a brighter future.

Help me achieve wisdom and understanding in the choices I make.

Enable me with the strength to stick with the course I have set.

Assist me with the welcoming of supporters into my life and the enabling of my progress.

Aid me in the taking of steps that will clear my mind of unhelpful sadness and negativity.

Help me achieve a love of self that will allow me to serve and love as many others as need me.

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