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Crystal Beauty Tools: Release Emotional Baggage with These Face-Enhancing Crystals

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The True Essence of Beauty

We understand beauty as something that comes from within. It’s that light you carry inside and the radiance you exude when you feel truly beautiful. You’re not just pretty on the outside; you’re pretty in every sense of the word, and even the not-so-pretty parts of you are somehow more beautiful because those parts are more real. Real beauty, in our opinion, isn’t concealing your flaws; it’s somehow illuminating them so that they become part of the very fabrics of your beautiful self. Following this line of reasoning, we see beauty as an energetically luminous condition carried from one moment to the next.

Energy Buildup and Crystal Healing for Radiance

We store feelings, stress, and trapped energy in our faces, and over time, they keep growing and building. By using the crystals in tandem with your personal intention, you can really use your beauty routine to clear any energetic buildup and raise your energy field. Trust us – using these tools that double as both facial and energy tools will help you radiate from the inside out.

Using Obsidian to Release Negative Emotions

The Reasons for Selecting These Crystals for Beauty: Obsidian. Using the Black Obsidian roller and the Black Obsidian Gua Sha, one can discharge the energy associated with emotions like worry, anger, sadness, and fear—emotions we hold in our faces that reduce our radiance. When using Black Obsidian, one should visualize expelling those emotions. It is, after all, the perfect crystal for effing all that heavy energy and emotional baggage out of our faces.

Amethyst for Emotional Clarity and Reframing Beauty

This is how it guides you. You can use the Amethyst crystal roller and the Amethyst gua sha to help you with this very powerful act of guiding your emotions and your beautiful self. And in this space and with these tools, you can create something truly special. You can help with all that pesky programming that tries to keep you small. And since the Amethyst is a decluttering crystal, you’re able to get rid of some thoughts while also reframing the narrative around beauty.

Rose Quartz: The Crystal of Self-Love and Beauty

Rose Quartz. The Rose Quartz tools, like the Rose Quartz crystal roller, gua sha, and tension massager, are all about the love.

They tell you that you’re beautiful just as you are.

They encourage you to stand in your power and to love and nurture yourself.

They assure you that you’re perfect just as you are.

When you use these tools, you want to focus on not just their beauty but on the reprogramming of your mental state that can happen with their regular use.

Sure, they’re stunning to look at, but the real beauty of them lies in the reprogramming possible with their use from a state of “not in love with oneself” to a state of “totally in love with oneself.”

Incorporate these stunning crystal tools into your daily routine to help melt away the emotional baggage in your face.

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