The Importance of Change in Life
Change isn’t merely required; it’s the essence of life. We observe it in nature. Our planet is always in motion, our rivers are always flowing, and the tides are always coming in and going out. Yet there are times when that natural energy doesn’t express itself, when the water in a river just stands still, forcing that river to slowly but surely backslide toward becoming a polluted pond.
The Power of Feng Shui and Crystals
Your body and spirit are no different and heavily influenced by your surroundings. Combine the ancient philosophy of Feng Shui with the healing power of crystals, and you are one step closer to an opportunity that’s about to knock—unless you’ve been holding on to negative energy in your space. Here’s how to clear it so that your home can vibrate at its full potential.
Natural Air Purification with Essential Oils
Febreeze and Yankee Candles are not the answer. If you really want to refresh the air in your home, why not use a natural ingredient instead of a potentially harmful synthetic one? Essential oils, incense, and sage are wonderful, natural tools for air purification—tools with a very long history. Native Americans may be the best-known practitioners of smoke purification, but they are by no means the only culture to have used beautiful, natural scents as a way of re-establishing harmony in space inhabited by humans.
The Connection Between Physical and Energetic Realms
As with the mind-body-spirit connection, our environment consists of both the physical and the energetic realms. Space cleansing addresses both, which is crucial for achieving equilibrium and harmony. These two rituals are best used in tandem to create a potent energy-cleansing practice that can be invigorated on a daily basis. That’s a good idea if someone in your space is unwell or if a lot of people have been coming and going (and not just your friends who are talking you up on the way to the fridge). These rituals can also help you achieve some needed emotional and mental clarity (more on that in a minute) after an emotionally charged incident or as a preemptive strike against your aura getting all kinds of muddy after you’ve moved into a new digs.
Sage Smudging to Purify Your Home
One of the fastest and most straightforward methods of getting rid of negative energy is to burn sage. To do this, first open the front door and the windows throughout the house. Then take a lit sage smudge stick and, starting in the back of the house, walk around the perimeter. As you move from room to room, use a feather or feather fan to waft the smoke into the corners, high and low. When you’re done with the rest of the house, go to the front door and smudge the door with sage. When finished, it is equally acceptable to let the smudge stick burn outside or to douse it so it can be used again.
Frankincense and Incense for Deeper Cleansing
Next, take your light frankincense resin or a couple of incense cones to smudge your home in the same way. Using this ancient cleansing ritual daily wards off nasty energy at an even deeper level. With that same energy, in your heart and in your home, always wipe the dirt off your shoulder and live in a real world where everything is lit up with riches and meaning.
Salt Cleansing for New or Stagnant Spaces
When settling into a new home or trying to restore peace and order to your residence, it’s time to break out the salt. Drawing on ancient Tibetan healing practices, which pair salt with medicinal herbs, we recommend making a cleansing mixture of salt and saffron. Pour it into the four corners of each room that needs a boost and let it sit for two full days. Then, with the intention of purifying your space and infusing it with nothing but good vibes, sweep up the mixture and toss it in the dustbin.
Using Black Tourmaline for Energy Protection
Elevate the purification of your living environment by constructing crystal healing grids throughout your home using protective stones such as Black Tourmaline. This powerful crystal not only attracts and absorbs negative energy from people and objects but also provides kind of a wall, around you, from which negative energy cannot penetrate. Place Black Tourmaline in each room, in the farthest corners, and create a room-sized energy cocoon that serves as a barrier to toxic energy and allows the vibrations of the stones and the cocoon to act on you.
Palo Santo for Final Energy Clearing
Complete your cleansing ritual with Palo Santo, a natural purifier derived from sacred wood that is thought to possess therapeutic properties. With its healing vibrations and warm, woodsy scent, this natural incense is particularly effective when used—after a sage cleansing—to clear an already purified space of any lingering negative energy, all while setting the optimal conditions for your further-use intention.
The Feng Shui of Toilet Lids and Plants
When you’re tidying up, ensure that the toilet lids are down. In feng shui, there is a lot of ancient wisdom tied to this practice. Water is energy (qi) and should always be contained in a way that makes it not just a big-time leach (which happens when pipes are exposed), but also in a way that allows it to help you and not hinder you with its energy-laden “wetness.” This is also an excellent time to tend to your plants. Why? Because plants are natural air purifiers. While you are expressing gratitude for nature’s phenomena, be sure that your “green friends” have enough light and water to stay healthy and vibrant.
Using Plants to Cleanse Your Crystals
You can also use plants to cleanse your crystals every day. Just put your stones in the soil of a healthy plant for half a day or more. The plant, the soil, and the sunlight will work together to refresh the crystals. Plants are so good at this that they can even be used to cleanse a big group of crystals all at once.
Feng Shui and Crystals in the Living Room
Using Crystals to Feng Shui Your Home, Part 1: The Living Room
The living room is a space for communal relaxation, where family and friends gather to enjoy each other’s company. Because of that, it is the most important room in the house for both decluttering and feng shui. Creating a healing sanctuary in the main room of the home promotes the feeling that “every little thing is gonna be all right.” And that’s the vibe you want when someone first walks in the door.
Heart Stones for Loving Communication
Heart-warming stones like Amethyst and Rose Quartz are the ideal companions for the loving communication that transforms our modern relationships into pathways of light and universal love. When it comes to major power conductors and energy amplifiers, no stones beat Quartz and Selenite. They are the perfect additions to your collection of heart chakra stones. Why? Because they act as guardian angels, protecting your space from bad vibes, and giving any and all heart chakra stones in that space a natural boost of healing energy.
Stones for Peace and Clarity in Your Home
Angelite and Amazonite are other good stones for generating peaceful energies at home. They do an even better job of creating a tranquil atmosphere, where one truly feels centered and at home. It’s kind of like being in a protective bubble: You can find the clarity you need because there’s no chaotic energy around you to cloud your thoughts.
Energizing Your Garden with Crystals
Therapy can be expensive, but gardening can take its place as a mental health aid. The rewards can be considerable, from vegetables to flowering plants that liven up a living space. Adventurine, a stone that is said to help with not just growth but also with problems of a stagnant nature, would fit well in the context of a garden. Combine this with Quartz crystals, another good garden stone, and you should have an energizing, if not downright magical, garden space.
Using Your Space to Combat Burnout
If you’re on the brink of burnout, consider your surroundings before you book an appointment with a mental health professional. Psychiatrists can help, but you might stave off serious decline by first working on your space. After all, working in a clean, energetically balanced environment can clear the way for your best work. Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that is basically about how to arrange things in your environment so that they give you the best possible energy to support whatever it is you’re doing. Whether or not you believe the practice has merit, doing something like it can’t hurt.
Crystals for Creativity and Personal Power
Put crystals of creativity like Carnelian and Tiger’s Eye on your desk or workstation to call forth the talents you have yet to discover and to up your self-esteem. These power crystals might also serve as fortune-tellers in that they are known to be lucky when it comes to attracting wealth and opportunity. And with Goldstone, these happiness crystals are great for harnessing personal power and giving you a renewed zest for life.
Heart Chakra Stones for the Bedroom
The location where one finds romantic love, the deep restorative sleep necessary for mental clarity, and peaceful contemplation, the bedroom is an excellent room for placing heart chakra stones such as Aventurine and Jade. These stones don’t merely attract love; they do so by stimulating and balancing the heart chakra, which is, in fact, the only way to ensure that love is long-lasting and healthy. Adding Rose Quartz, the stone of unconditional love, is a must. One can create a simple crystal grid in the bedroom and call it a “love potion.”
Using Crystals for Restorative Sleep
Amethyst, Selenite, and Quartz are excellent nighttime companions for promoting an angelic and restorative sleep. Keep these crystals close—at your pillow or bedside—and their energy will surround you like a cocoon, layering your auric field with the profoundly peaceful vibration they each emit. “Bad dreams? What bad dreams?” you will say upon waking, for you were protected!
Energizing Your Kitchen with Mint and Ocean Gems
Folklore states that cultivating mint on the kitchen windowsill will invite luck and riches into your life. The tiny green leaves just might be mother nature’s finest air freshener. And as you might expect, with fresh mint and ocean gem crystals like Amazonite, Aquamarine, or Yellow Jasper in the vicinity, you couldn’t help but feel next level energy in the kitchen. Place one (or all three) of the ocean gems near your kitchen sink for good measure. Then, just get to work in the kitchen, acting as the alchemist you were born to be.
Feng Shui Stones for the Kitchen
Feng shui stones are so connected to the ocean that they might as well be ocean stones. Formed in the presence of ancient oceans, they were carved by the energy of ocean waves over eons, and that energy still resonates in them. It’s like connecting to the tranquility of the sea when you’re inside your home. That’s why feng shui stones are an excellent option for any indoor setting where scary kitchen spirits might try to hang out.
Balancing Chaos and Order in Your Home
We aren’t suggesting that your living space be turned into a shrine. Let’s be real. You can’t expect your home to be some sort of showpiece, given the trying circumstances of our modern, fast-paced, and often stressful life. But the life you lead within your four walls should not be an excuse for some sort of colorfully chaotic slipshod existence. In saying that, I’m trying to invoke one of those old proverbs that tell you to keep your home in a state that is both “clean enough to be healthy” and “dirty enough to be happy.”
Maintaining Mental Hygiene Through Space
The space you inhabit is a direct reflection of your inner self. That’s why keeping my living space clear and orderly is akin to maintaining mental hygiene. I’ve come to think of my space as a sanctuary since I spend so much time indoors. And I want it to be a haven.
Clearing Negative Energy from Your Space
Of course, you can’t have a comfortable, life-affirming sanctuary if your space is filled with negative energy. Whether I had found recent investments in my living space worth it or not had no effect on this next point: I felt the need to clear my space filled with what I did not want in it.
Energy-Clearing Rituals for Spiritual Transformation
The daily rituals associated with feng shui are designed to do just that. Every day is a new opportunity to invite energy (or chi) into your space. Energy can’t flow freely if there are blockages in your body, mind, or home. So when you take time to practice any of these energy-clearing rituals, you are doing more than just cleaning. You are setting the stage for an uplifting atmosphere conducive to the appearance of your spiritual transformations, be they the everyday kind or the life-altering sort.
Boosting Your Spirits with Household Tasks
The daily grind of household tasks can feel somewhat tiresome; they offer little variety and much repetition. The true trick is to keep from sinking into the doldrums while doing them. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to boost your spirits, and I’ll share some with you in a moment. But first, a friendly reminder: even though it might seem like an energy-sapping drag, every task you perform in your home represents an undeniably positive force.
Simple Ways to Clear Negative Energy
One of the fastest ways to get rid of negative energy is to burn a sage stick and keep the good vibes going by lighting a candle. If you want to add a little more to your positive energy routine, take a moment to do a quick dust and polish of the surfaces and objects in your space. That includes the floors. Feng shui is very particular about dirty surfaces and objects. Create some good feng shui by making everything in your space clean and shiny. It’s even better when you can see your reflection on every surface. That increases the metal element energy in your space, which is the element of motivation and mental clarity.
Creating a Cozy and Restful Space
The room needs a little light; it feels too dim. I switch on a small lamp that gives off a warm, cozy glow. Suddenly, everything is not quite so dark. I place throw pillows on the couch and attempt to fluff them a bit, trying to beat into the pillows a little bit of order and serenity. The pillows look a little more hospitable now, as if they are beckoning me to sit down and rest.
Letting Go of Negative Thoughts
Eliminate the rubbish from your spirit and liberate yourself from those irritating, self-sabotaging ideas that don’t serve you anymore.
Salt Water and Essential Oils for a Deeper Cleanse
A simple method to conduct a deeper cleanse of your space is to spray a blend of salt water and essential oils into the air in every room. The invigorating scent of citrus or the calming essence of lavender makes for an ideal atmosphere wherein to live and work. These natural, plant-based air fresheners are a good alternative to the many artificial air fresheners that are laden with harmful petrochemicals.
A Guide to Space Cleansing by Maisonette De Veyra
In Purify Your Space, author and yoga instructor, and wellness consultant, Maisonette De Veyra, offers a thorough guide to cleansing. She blends ancient and modern wisdom and practices to achieve true purification: not only on the level of our physical space but also at the level of our subtle energy or “space” in which we live.